Q. Some people say homosexuality is natural and moral; others say it is unnatural and immoral. How do we know?
A. Our standard can only be what God says. In Romans 1 we read,
God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion (Rom 1:26-27).
So even though homosexual desires feel natural, they are actually unnatural,
because God says they are. He also calls all sexual involvement outside
of marriage immoral. (There are 44 references to fornication—sexual
immorality—in the Bible.) Therefore, any form of homosexual activity,
whether a one-night stand or a long-term monogamous relationship, is by
definition immoral—just as any abuse of heterosexuality outside of
marriage is immoral.
Q. Is homosexuality an orientation God intended for some people, or is it a perversion of normal sexuality?
A. If God had intended homosexual behavior to be a
viable sexual alternative for some people, He would not have condemned
it as an abomination. It is never mentioned in Scripture in anything but
negative terms, and nowhere does the Bible even hint at approving or
giving instruction for homosexual relationships. Some theologians have
argued that David and Jonathan's relationship was a homosexual one, but
this claim has no basis in Scripture. David and Jonathan's deep
friendship was not sexual; it was one of godly emotional intimacy that
truly glorified the Lord.
Homosexuality is a manifestation of the sin nature that all people share. At the fall of man (Gen 3),
God's perfect creation was spoiled, and the taint of sin affected us
physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually—and sexually.
Homosexuality is a perversion of heterosexuality, which is God's plan
for His creation. The Lord Jesus said,
In the beginning the Creator made them male and female. For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh (Matt 19:4, 5).
Homosexual activity and pre-marital or extra-marital
heterosexual activity are all sinful attempts to find sexual and
emotional expression in ways God never intended. God's desire for the
person caught in the trap of homosexuality is the same as for every
other person caught in the trap of the sin nature; that we submit every
area of our lives to Him and be transformed from the inside out by the
renewing of our minds and the purifying of our hearts.
Q. What causes a homosexual orientation?
A. This is a complex issue, and it is unfair to
give simplistic answers or explanations. (However, for insight on this
issue please consider the articles Answers to Questions Most Asked by Gay-Identifying Youth and "Why Doesn't God Answer Prayers to Take Away Gay Feelings"
at Probe.org.) Some people start out as heterosexuals, but they rebel
against God with such passionate self-indulgence that they end up
embracing the gay lifestyle as another form of sexual expression. As one
entertainer put it, "I'm not going to go through life with one arm tied
behind my back!"
But the majority of those who experience same-sex
attraction sense they are "different" from very early in life, and at
some point they are encouraged to identify this difference as being gay.
These people may experience "pre-conditions" that dispose them toward
homosexuality, such as a sensitive and gentle temperament in boys,
which is not recognized as acceptably masculine in our culture. Another
may be poor eye-hand coordination that prevents a boy from doing well
at sports, which is a sure way to invite shame and taunting from other
boys (and, most unfortunately, from some of their own fathers and family
members). Family relationships are usually very important in the
development of homosexuality; the vast majority of those who struggle
with same-sex attraction experienced a hurtful relationship with the
same-sex parent in childhood. The presence of abuse is a recurring theme
in the early lives of many homosexual strugglers. In one study, 91% of
lesbian women reported childhood and adolescent abuse, 2/3 of them
victims of sexual abuse.{1}
There is a huge difference, however, between predispositions that
affects gender identity, and the choices we make in how we handle a
predisposition. Because we are made in the image of God, we can choose
how we respond to the various factors that may contribute to a
homosexual orientation.
Q. Wouldn't the presence of pre-conditions let homosexuals "off the hook," so to speak?
A. Preconditions make it easier to sin in a
particular area. They do not excuse the sin. We can draw a parallel with
alcoholism. Alcoholics often experience a genetic or environmental
pre-condition, which makes it easier for them to fall into the sin of
drunkenness. Is it a sin to want a drink? No. It's a sin to drink to
All of us experience various predispositions that
make it easier for us to fall into certain sins. For example, highly
intelligent people find it easier to fall into the sin of intellectual
pride. People who were physically or emotionally abused as children may
fall into the sins of rage and violence more easily than others.
Current popular thinking says that our behavior is
determined by our environment or our genes, or both. But the Bible gives
us the dignity and responsibility missing from that mechanistic view of
life. God has invested us with free will—the ability to make real,
significant choices. We can choose our responses to the influences on
our lives, or we can choose to let them control us.
Someone with a predisposition for homosexuality may
fall into the sin of the homosexual behavior much more easily than a
person without it. But each of us alone is responsible for giving
ourselves permission to cross over from temptation into sin.
Q. What's the difference between homosexual temptation and sin?
A. Unasked-for, uncultivated sexual desires for a
person of the same sex constitute temptation, not sin. Since the Lord
Jesus was "tempted in every way, just as we are" (Heb. 4:15), He fully knows the intensity and nature of the temptations we face. But He never gave in to them.
The line between sexual temptation and sexual sin is
the same for both heterosexuals and homosexuals. It is the point at
which our conscious will gets involved. Sin begins with the internal
acts of lusting and creating sexual fantasies. Lust is indulging one's
sexual desires by deliberately choosing to feed sexual attraction—you
might say it is the sinful opposite of meditation. Sexual fantasies are
conscious acts of the imagination. It is creating mental pornographic
home movies. Just as the Lord said in the Sermon on the Mount, all
sexual sin starts in the mind long before it gets to the point of
physical expression.
Many homosexuals claim, "I never asked for these
feelings. I did not choose them," and this may be true. That is why it
is significant to note that the Bible specifically condemns homosexual practices,
but not undeveloped homosexual feelings (temptation). There is a
difference between having sexual feelings and letting them grow into
lust. When Martin Luther was talking about impure thoughts, he said,
"You can't stop the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep
them from building a nest in your hair."
Q. Isn't it true that "Once gay, always gay?"
A. It is certainly true that most homosexuals never
become heterosexual—some because they don't want to, but most others
because their efforts to change were unsuccessful. It takes spiritual
submission and much emotional work to repent of sexual sin and achieve a
healthy self-concept that glorifies God by cooperating with Him in
being transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2).
But for the person caught in the trap of homosexual
desires who wants sexual and emotional wholeness, there is hope in
Christ. In addressing the church at Corinth, the Apostle Paul lists an
assortment of deep sins, including homosexual offenses. He says,
And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor 6:11).
This means there were former homosexuals in the church at Corinth! The Lord's loving redemption includes eventual freedom for all sin that is yielded to Him. Some (rare) people experience no homosexual temptations ever again. But for most others who are able to achieve change, homosexual desires are gradually reduced from a major problem to a minor nuisance
that no longer dominates their lives. The probability of heterosexual
desires returning or emerging depends on a person's sexual history.
But the potential for heterosexuality is present in everyone because God put it there.
See the article "Can Homosexuals Change?" at bible.org/article/can-homosexuals-change.
Q. If homosexuality is such an abomination to God, why doesn't it disappear when someone becomes a Christian?
A. When we are born again, we bring with us all of
our emotional needs and all of our old ways of relating. Homosexuality
is a relational problem of meeting emotional needs the wrong way; it is
not an isolated problem of mere sexual preference. With the power of the
indwelling Spirit, a Christian can cooperate with God to change this
unacceptable part of life. Some people—a very few—are miraculously
delivered from homosexual struggles. But for the majority, real change
is slow. As in dealing with any besetting sin, it is a process, not an
event. Sin's power over us is broken at the moment we are born again,
but learning to depend on the Holy Spirit to say no to sin and yes to
godliness takes time. 2 Cor. 3:18 says, "We...are being transformed into His likeness from glory to glory." Transformation (this
side of eternity!) is a process that takes a while. Life in a fallen
world is a painful struggle. It is not a pleasant thing to have two
oppositional natures at war within us!
Homosexuality is not one problem; it is symptomatic
of other, deeper problems involving emotional needs and an unhealthy
self-concept. Salvation is only the beginning of emotional health. It
allows us to experience human intimacy as God intended us to, finding
healing for our damaged emotions. It isn't that faith in Christ isn't
enough; faith in Christ is the beginning.
Q. Does the fact that I had an early homosexual experience mean I'm gay?
A. Sex is strictly meant for adults. The Song of
Solomon says three times, "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so
desires." This is a warning not to raise sexual feelings until the time
is right. Early sexual experience can be painful or pleasurable, but
either way, it constitutes child abuse. It traumatizes a child or teen.
This loss of innocence does need to be addressed and perhaps even
grieved through, but doesn't mean you're gay.
Sexual experimentation is something many children
and teens do as a part of growing up. You may have enjoyed the feelings
you experienced, but that is because God created our bodies to respond
to pleasure. It probably made you feel confused and ashamed, which is an
appropriate response to an inappropriate behavior. Don't let anyone
tell you it means you're gay: it means you're human.
Even apart from the sexual aspect, though, our
culture has come to view close friendships with a certain amount of
suspicion. If you enjoy emotional intimacy with a friend of the same
sex, especially if it is accompanied by the presence of sexual feelings
that emerge in adolescence, you can find yourself very confused. But it
doesn't mean you're gay.
It is a tragic myth that once a person has a homosexual experience, or even thinks about one, that he or she is gay for life.
Q. Are homosexuals condemned to hell?
A. Homosexuality is not a "heaven or hell" issue. The only determining factor is whether a person has been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.
In 1 Cor. 6,
Paul says that homosexual offenders and a whole list of other sinners
will not inherit the kingdom of God. But then he reminds the Corinthians
that they have been washed, sanctified, and justified in Jesus' name.
Paul makes a distinction between unchristian behavior and Christian
behavior. He's saying, "You're not pagans anymore, you are a holy people
belonging to King Jesus. Now act like it!"
If homosexuality doesn't send anyone to hell, then
can the believer indulge in homosexual behavior, safe in his or her
eternal security? As Paul said, "May it never be!" If someone is truly a
child of God, he or she cannot continue sinful behavior that offends
and grieves the Father without suffering the consequences. God
disciplines those He loves. This means that ultimately, no believer gets
away with continued, unrepented sin. The discipline may not come
immediately, but it will come.
Q. How do I respond when someone in my life tells me he or she is gay?
A. Take your cue from the Lord Jesus. He didn't
avoid sinners; He ministered grace and compassion to them—without ever
compromising His commitment to holiness. Start by cultivating a humble
heart, especially concerning the temptation to react with judgmental
condescension. As Billy Graham said, "Never take credit for not falling
into a temptation that never tempted you in the first place."
Seek to understand your gay friends' feelings. Are
they comfortable with their gayness, or bewildered and resentful of it?
Understanding people doesn't mean that you have to agree with them—but
it is the best way to minister grace and love in a difficult
time. Accept the fact that, to this person, these feelings are normal.
You can't change their minds or their feelings. Too often, parents will
send their gay child to a counselor and say, "Fix him." It just doesn't
work that way.
As a Christian, you are a light shining in a dark
place. Be a friend with a tender heart and a winsome spirit; the
biggest problem of homosexuals is not their sexuality, but their need
for Jesus Christ. At the same time, pre-decide what your boundaries will
be about what behavior you just cannot condone in your presence. One
college student I know excuses herself from a group when the affection
becomes physical; she just gets up and leaves. It is all right to be
uncomfortable around blatant sin; you do not have to subject
yourself—and the Holy Spirit within you—to what grieves Him. Consider
how you would be a friend to people who are living promiscuous
heterosexual lives. Like the Lord, we need to value and esteem the
person without condoning the sin.
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